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Master of Management (Accounting)

Academic, peer-reviewed journals and articles

Peer-reviewed journals

Also known as scholarly, academic, or refereed journals:

Are written by academics/researchers

May contain papers grounded in rigorous research

Always include a reference list

Journal content is reviewed by experts (peers) before publication

Example: International Journal of Human Resource Management


Professional or industry journals and articles

Professional journals

Also known as practitioner journals, trade journals or magazines
May be written by practitioners or journalists
May contain discussion on industry trends, individual profiles, products and services
May not have a reference list
Are not peer-reviewed
Examples: Journal of Applied Psychology

4. Evaluate your results

Evaluation criteria checklist

Apply this general checklist to the databases, websites, journals and articles you consult.


Who is the author? What are his/her qualifications? Are they affiliated with an organisation? What type of web domain is used?


Is the resource biased, or based on opinion? What are the aims of the website or publication? How does the author justify their conclusion and perspective?

Intended Audience

Is the information intended for researchers (eg. scholarly, peer-reviewed journals), practionioners (eg. practitioner journals and websites) or the general public (eg. popular magazines)?


Are facts/figures/dates used and cited appropriately? Does the author include references?


How up to date is the information? If the content is from a website, when was it last updated?