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AGRI20038 Principles of Soil Science

This guide will point you to library resources that will assist in your study of AGRI20038 Principles of Soil Science.

Reference Tools

The University of Melbourne has a selection of Bibliographic Management tools available to assist you in managing your references. More information can be found on the library home page under Software and Tools.

(Please note support is only provided for Endnote and Refworks)

List of software tools available

EndNote X7



LibX toolbar



Why is Referencing Important?

Citation Styles

If you draw upon other people's work in your writing and research and do not acknowledge those sources, you can be accused of plagiarism.

Correct citations allow your readers to follow up sources you have referred to, so citing is in the interests of scholarly investigation and the sharing of ideas.

Acknowledgement of another's work through accurate citations is not only good academic practice but also a legal requirement.



Check Recite to view examples of common referencing styles.