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International Investment Law

Finding journal articles in international investment law

Journal articles in international investment law arbitration databases 

Journal articles in general law databases 

The following journal databases index articles from hundreds of law journals. The journals can be searched simultaneously. Full text articles are often included in the databases.

Recent open access journal articles and book chapters on SSRN

Mitchell, Andrew D and Tania Voon, 'The Rule of Necessary Implication' (draft chapter) in Joseph Klingler, Yuri Parkhomenko and Constantinos Salonidis (eds), Between the lines of the Vienna Convention?:Canons of Construction and Other Interpretive Principles in Public International Law (Wolters Kluwer, 2018). 

Schwieder, Robert W, 'Legal Aid and Investment Treaty Disputes: Lessons Learned from the ACWL and Investment Experiences' (December 2017)

de Mestral, Armand Claude and Vanhonnaeker, Lukas, 'How Best to Ensure Respect for the Right to Regulate in the Face of Foreign Investment Commitments: A Reformed ISA Process or a Return to the WTO' (December 2017)

Mitchell, Andrew D, James Munro and Tania Voon, 'Importing WTO General Exceptions into International Investment Agreements: Proportionality, Myths and Risks' in Yearbook on International Investment Law and Policy 2016-2017 (Oxford University Press, 2018, Forthcoming)

Tams, Christian J, 'Ways Out of the Marshland: Investment Lawyers and the Law of State Succession' (2017) in Hofmann, Schill & Tams, Investment Arbitration as a Motor of General International Law (Edward Elgar, Forthcoming)

Schneiderman, David, 'Global Constitutionalism and Its Legitimacy Problems: Human Rights, Proportionality, and International Investment Law' (2017) Journal of Law & Ethics of Human Rights, Forthcoming  

Mba, Sanford U, 'Africa for the Chinese'? Revisiting Bilateral Investment Treaties between African States and China for Corporate Accountability and Regulation (September 7, 2017)

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