This page will help you find and use research tools to compare all tax laws in all countries. For specific information on comparing tax treaties / international tax agreements, see the Treaties & Agreements tab in the International Tax Law Research Guide.
The IBFD tax research platform provides comparative tax law information via:
the Country Tax Guide tool, which provides side-by-side comparison of corresponding sections of two different countries
the Country Tables Comparison tool for various topics and multiple country comparisons
View the help section of the IBFD platform for information on how to use these comparison tools.
The OECD Tax Database provides comparative information on a range of tax statistics - personal income tax rates, social security contributions applying to labour income, corporate tax rates and statistics, effective tax rates, tax rates on consumption and environmental issues - that are levied in the 34 OECD member countries.
It includes comparative graphs, tables and information on:
tax responses to COVID-19
global revenue statistics
taxes on labour income
corporate and capital income taxes
taxes on consumption
tax and the environment
fiscal decentralisation database
country summaries by publication
The following practical comparative tools/guides are aimed at those doing business in foreign jurisdictions. Approximately 40 countries are included. The databases provide brief but useful information about the (mostly corporate) tax laws of the jurisdictions covered.