The Votes and Proceedings are the official record of all that is done in the Legislative Assembly, or in effect the minutes of the Assembly. They should not be confused with Hansard which is the report of what is said in the debates in the Assembly.
The Minutes of the Proceedings are the official record of proceedings of the Legislative Council. Separate from Hansard, which is the transcript of what is said in debate, the Minutes are the record of all the formal actions and decisions of the Council.
Inquiry Reports and other publications produced by the VLRC from 2001 to present.
Hardcopy VLRC Reports from 1986 to 2016 are on level 4 of the law library in the Law Reports collection.
includes details of each current Act of Parliament and include the following components: reprint information; amending Acts and proclamation details; details of amended sections with commencement dates; case annotations where there has been judicial consideration of a statute; regulations made under the Act with amendment details; references to related Acts; and relevant books and articles.
1856/7 - 1864/5 (vols 1-11) and 1864/5 - 1900 (vols 1 - 96) are in Special Collections in the Baillieu Library.
1901 - 1982 (vols 97-365) are in the Government Documents section of the Baillieu Library.