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Indigenous Knowledges Research

Advice on citation

There are a number of approaches to citation and acknowledgement practices when working with Indigenous knowledges. The resources listed below will give you an idea of the breadth of practices, and some places to start. When working closely with Indigenous knowledge holders, you should always recognise the expertise provided by those knowledge holders including by listing them as co-researchers or co-authors in applications and publications. 

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  • Kwaymullina, A., Kwaymullina, B., & Butterly, L. (2013, January 1). Living Texts. International Journal of Critical Indigenous Studies.
  • Van Cleave, J., & Bridges-Rhoads, S. (2013). “As Cited In” Writing Partnerships: The (Im)possibility of Authorship in Postmodern Research. Qualitative Inquiry, 19(9), 674–685.

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