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See: a guide on using Discovery for more information.
Access specific journals via the A-Z eJournals link on the library homepage.
When you use the catalogue, eBooks will come up in the results of an ordinary search, but the method below limits your search to eBooks.
1. Go to the Library Homepage.
2. Select the catalogue.
3. Click the eBooks search link under the heading Advanced searches:
4. Enter your search term and then review the results.
5. In your results, click on the Connect to ebook (University of Melbourne only) link to access the ebook online.
When searching the catalogue, take note of possible keywords in the Contents section.
Use the 'Subject' links to find similar resources.
You can also search the catalogue by Subject rather than Keyword.
Some relevant Subject Headings for this topic include:
Food Supply
Food Industry and Trade
Food Security
Food Consumption
Food Relief
Crops and Climate
Food Industry and Trade
Food Prices
Food - Social Aspects