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Library resources for Agriculture

What is grey literature?

Grey literature is information which has been published informally or non-commercially, or remains unpublished, including government or technical reports, policy documents, discussion papers, statistics, patents, conference proceedings, posters and infographics.

It is not usually peer-reviewed, but may still be good, reliable information.


Conference Proceedings Newsletters
Technical reports Theses and dissertations
Government reports Research reports
Patents Maps
Clinical trials and practice guidelines Blogs
Videos Census data
Informal communications Pre and post print articles
White papers Working papers


Why use grey literature?

Grey literature can provide a richer source of current research across many disciplines, because industry, organisations and government bodies frequently produce reports faster than other publication types. So it can be important to explore grey literature, like theses or government reports, to see what research other people are producing in your field.


Finding Grey literature

Some key links to grey literature for agriculture include:

eRA  - The Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries archive of scientific and research publications
OpenGrey - European grey literature
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare: provides statistics on health and welfare.
Department of Health and Ageing - Federal Government of Health and Ageing : develops and evaluates polices, resources and initiatives in healthy eating, nutrition and healthy physical activity.
Nutrition and Public Health (Victoria) :provides information on Victorian government food, nutrition and dietary initiatives.
Food Standards Australia and New Zealand: develops safe food standards based on scientific assessment of risk to public welfare.
AGRIS (International System for Agricultural Science and Technology) is a global public database providing access to bibliographic information on agricultural science and technology.
Using Google to find Grey Literature

There are ways to search Google more efficiently to find grey literature.

Use these shortcuts when searching Google or Google Scholar to get better results.

Search tool How it works Example

"exact words"

forces a search for a specific phrase only

"climate change"
-word search will exclude this word amazon -bookshop
author: search for an author of a journal article or book author:Singh
site: limit to a type of site: .gov, .edu, .org site:gov
:au search for websites within Australia farming:au
search terms + site:URL search within a specific site

cattle site:

intitle: search for words in a webpage title intitle:climate change



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