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Acting and Theatre

This guide will point you to Acting and Theatre resources in the University of Melbourne Library

Develop your search terms

Do you know which search terms to use to find great articles on your topic?
Experiment with your keywords in one of these broad search options before diving into more specialised search locations.

  • Discovery searches across a large number of databases. Use Advanced Search and subject filters for the best results.
  • Proquest Central is similar to Discovery, searching across multiple databases
  • Google Scholar is a convenient search tool, but you'll need to set up Find it @ Unimelb links to effectively use Google Scholar for library research.

Once you've found a few good resources, explore some subject-specific databases and journals.


Why are there so many places to search?

Visit the Comparing Search Pathways guide for a quick explainer.

Acting and Theatre databases

Use the site or domain limiter in Google Advanced Search to quickly find information on websites and online publications.

For example:

Limit search results to only show results from e-flux by including or Frieze using in your search. 

Screenshot of Google search of "sol lewitt"

Video Streaming databases

More video streaming databases can be found in the Video Streaming & DVDs tab in this guide

Script and Play databases

More play, film and TV script databases can be found in the Finding Scripts tab in this guide

Multidisciplinary databases

ArtsHub & ScreenHub

Article Requests

Article requests

Found an article that looks great, but can't find it online?

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