Opening hours for our libraries and Library Chat have been adjusted over the summer break. Please check our library opening hours page before you visit.
Do you know which search terms to use to find great articles on your topic?
Experiment with your keywords in one of these broad search options before diving into more specialised search locations.
Once you've found a few good resources, explore some subject-specific databases and journals.
Visit the Comparing Search Pathways guide for a quick explainer.
Searching in an Art Database allows you to search across a range of discipline-specific research journals and other resource types at once.
Exploring a multidisciplinary database can help you find out about how your topic is considered across different disciplines and applications.
Web of Science Core Collection provides quick, powerful access to the world's leading citation databases. Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers over 12,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and over 150,000 conference proceedings. You'll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900.
Contemporary Art Magazines are helpful for keeping up with current discourse in art. The following contemporary art magazines are available online through library subscriptions. Some may also be held in print at Southbank Library.
The following Contemporary Art Magazines are held in only print copy at Southbank Library. These magazines cannot be borrowed, but this means that they're always available for you to read at the library.
Use the site or domain limiter in Google Advanced Search to quickly find information on websites and online publications.
For example:
Limit search results to only show results from e-flux by including or Frieze using in your search.
Found an article that looks great, but can't find it online?