Business Source Complete is an EBSCOhost online database that is held by the library. It contains journals and articles from all areas of business, with content from more than 8,800 journals. It also includes market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses.
It provides information on the number of times an article has been cited in the list of results as well as access to a 'cited references' list to easily access the list of articles that have been referenced in a paper.
CiteSeerX focusses primarily on articles in the areas of computer and information science. It contains around 1.5 million documents and 30 million citations. it uses Autonomous Citation Indexing (ACI) to automatically create a citation index used for literature search and evaluation.
It is a free public resource available at
Essential Science Indicators is an online database published by ISI Web of Knowledge which is available through the library. It provides citation analysis information including citation rankings by scientist, institution, journal or country and a database of the most cited papers over the last 2 years, Hot Papers, and last 10 years, Highly Cited Papers. It contains citation information only for journals and articles indexed by Thompson Scientific.