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This guide will help you find quality resources for your finance studies and research.

Key Academic Journal Databases in Finance

These are the key databases for academic journal articles in finance.

They contain peer-reviewed journal articles reviewed by academic experts in the field before they are accepted for publication.

Find a Journal by Title, Subject or ISSN

Find a journal by title, subject or ISSN

Key Journal Ranking Lists

There is a number of journal quality lists that you can consult - some of the most commonly employed are listed here.

  • Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List - produced by the peak body of Australian university business schools, dividing journals into four areas of quality: A*, A, B, C.
  • Harzing Journal Quality List - produced by Professor Anne-Wil Harzing, is a collation of journal rankings from a variety of sources in the following broad areas: Economics, Finance, Accounting, Management, and Marketing.
  • InCites - Journal Citation Reports - click on 'Categories' to browse journals indexed in Web of Science across Business & Economics, the Social Sciences and all other subject areas.
  • Scopusclick on 'Sources' to browse journals indexed Scopus across Business, Management and Accounting, Decision Sciences, Economics, Econometrics and Finance, Social Sciences and and all other subject areas.

For more detailed information and guidance on determining journal quality, visit the 'Journal Metrics' section of the 'Research Impact for Business & Economics' guide.

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