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Case Studies in Business and Economics

This guide will help you find quality case studies for business and economics studies and research.

Library Catalogue

Use the Keyword Search.

Enter the term "case studies" and keywords describing your topic.

For example:

"case studies" and business and "strategic planning"

"case studies" and branding


Include "case study" as a keyword in your searches in these databases.

Some databases allow you to limit your search by selecting a "Document Type": case study.

Journal Databases

  • Emerald Journals
    • Include "case study" as a keyword in your searches. Search All content to find case studies in journals and books.
  • Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies

    • EEMC is an online collection of peer-reviewed teaching cases focusing on business decision making and management development through key emerging markets.

    • Once you've logged in and accessed the database, scroll down the page and click on the EMCS box to search or browse the collection.

  • Business Source Complete
    • Limit your search by selecting case study as a "Document Type". Alternatively, type ‘case studies’ in the search box > pull down Select a Field > Choose SU Subject terms > AND in the following search boxes type your keywords.
  • Proquest
    • Type “case stud*” in the search box AND in the following search boxes type your keywords
  • Academic Search Complete
    • Limit your search by selecting case study as a "Document Type". Alternatively, type ‘case studies’ in the search box > pull down Select a Field > Choose SU Subject terms > AND in the following search boxes type your keywords.
  • EconLit with Full Text
    • Type “case stud*” in the search box AND in the following search boxes type your keywords
    • Type "case stud*" and your keywords in the search box . Add more search boxes by clicking on Add search field.
  • PsycINFO
    • Type “case stud*” in the search box AND in the following search boxes type your keywords
  • Harvard Business Publishing 
    • Click on Product > Cases and then view either the Partner Case Collections or the HBS Premier Case Collection. Alernatively do a Keyword seach and then click on "Cases" under "By Product Type."
      Only educators have access after registration.

Industry Databases

  • WARC
    • Note: this resource can only be accessed on campus. A comprehensive marketing information service providing case studies. Click on the Case Studies Tab.
  • MarketLine Advantage
    • Contains 100+ company case studies (on marketing, branding and innovations), industry and product category case studies, and sustainability case studies. Type your keywords into the search box and change the drop down menu from 'All Research' to 'Case Studies'.
  • Passport 
    • Reports and analysis on consumer product and service industries, countries, consumers and companies. Many reports contain case studies.

Websites and Working Papers

  • SSRN eLibrary Database Search
    • Disseminates social science research and is composed of a number of specialised research networks in each of the social sciences. Click on Search > Choose Title Only > type your keywords and "case study". Example: "case study" and "commercial bank"
  • Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) 
    • Is a collaborative effort of hundreds of volunteers in 72 countries to disseminate research in economics. Search IDEAS: the complete RePEc databases. Type your keywords and "case study" 

Citing case studies

To cite a case study in your assignment in APA 7 style, use the following template:

(Author A & Author B, Year of publication)


(Neeley & Delong, 2009)

To reference a case study in your bibliography using APA 7 style, use the following template: 

Cases in textbooks:

Treat as a book chapter

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year of publication). Title of chapter or section. In A. Editor, B. Editor & C. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of the chapter referred to). Publisher.


Wagner-Rizvi, T. (2016). Regulating Baby Food Marketing: Civil Society versus Private Sector Influence. In N. Kenworth, R.McKenzie & K.Lee (Eds) . Case studies on corporations and global health governance : impacts, influence and accountability (pp. 199-213). Rowman & Littlefield International.

Cases in journals:

Treat as a journal article

Author, A. A. (Publication date). Title of article. Title of publication, volume number(issue number), pp-pp. Web address of journal, or DOI.


Prabhu, N. K. (2012). The tale of two managers: A value-based saga. Journal of Business Case Studies, 8(3), 297. Retrieved from

Harvard Business Publishing cases: 

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of case study. HBS No. number of case study. Publisher.


Eisenmann, T., & Herman, K. (2006). Google, Inc. HBS No. 9-806-105. Harvard Business Publishing.


 Business & Economics Librarians

Kristijan Causovski
Faculty Librarian


Nathan Parry
Liaison Librarian (Research)


Sarika Singh
Liaison Librarian (Learning & Teaching)


Ben Gilmour
Liaison Support Librarian


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If you are a University of Melbourne staff member or Graduate Research student
and you need help with library databases or the research process, we can provide individual consultations.

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