PsycINFO is an international bibliographic database that covers the medical discipline of psychology. However, it is a very useful database to use for disciplines that have psychological aspects, such as music therapy and education.
Medline contains bibliographic citations and author abstracts covering many medical fields.
It is important to perform both basic and cited reference searches within Ovid databases.
Ledger, Alison J. and Felicity A. Baker. 2007. "An investigation of long-term effects of group music therapy on agitation levels of people with Alzheimer's Disease." Aging & Mental Health 11 (3): 330-338. doi: 10.1080/13607860600963406
Start with a basic search by article. Using quotation marks to search for an exact phrase may be helpful where you are sure of the article title. Any articles with alternate titles may need to be searched for multiple times.
Any citations will be listed on the right. Click on the Find Citing Articles link.