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Overview of policy work for FOR Education in Australia

How can I get to an overview of some of the policy work in Australia in the Fields of Research

FOR Education via Dimensions?

Dimensions Policey Documents by FOR code 13 for Education in Australia

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1. In Dimensions, click the Policy Documents header

2. From the Filters menu (left side) expand 'Country' and find 'Australia'

3. Click the 'Limit to' button at the bottom.

4. Then navigate to the filters menu one more time to expand the Research Categories tab and select Fields of Research option. Search for 'Education' and select relevant options

5. Next, sort by publication date.

Policy work by FOR 13 (Education) broken down by research activity code

How can I break down the policy work in FOR 13 for Australia by Research Activity Codes (HRCS) in Dimensions?

Dimensions Chart of Research Activity Code breakdown within Policy work in FOR 13 in Australia

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1. Click 'Analytics view' after setting all the limits for this search.

** Limits includes: Country: Australia; Fields of Research: 1301 Education Systems OR 1303 Specialists Studies in Education OR 1399 Other Education OR 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy **

2. Select 'Research categories', pick 'timeline' view, chart display mode, and pick 'Research Activity Codes' from the dropdown display.

A brief summary of policy work done about 'literacy'

I am part of a research group that is involved in projects relating to the broad field of 'literacy'. I would like to get a broad global overview of policy work in 'literacy' from Dimensions. How can I do that?

Dimensions overview of global policy work in the area of 'literacy' between 2009 and 2018

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1. In Dimensions, click the Policy documents header

2. In the search box at the top of the page enter the word 'literacy' and narrow your search to where the word occurs in the 'title OR abstract' only. Press the carriage return key to start the search in Dimensions.

3. Policy documents can be sorted by either relevance or publication date. Sort by Publication date.

4. You can export Policy document data in either Excel or .csv file format to facilitate further sorting and investigation of the data.

5. Use either the Filters on the left or Analytic views on the right to break the data down further and the Analytic views to visualise the categorical and comparative data. Graphs and charts can also be exported for further use elsewhere.

The extent of policy work by policy publishing organisations

I want to get to a comparative overview of policy work in my field over the period 2009 - 2018 that I can access by Publishing Organizations. How can I do this?

Dimensions breakdown of policy work in FOR 13 globally between 2009 and 2018 by Publishing Organizations

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1. Click 'Analytics view' after setting all the limits for this search.

** Limits includes: Fields of Research: 1301 Education Systems OR 1303 Specialists Studies in Education OR 1399 Other Education OR 1302 Curriculum and Pedagogy **

2. Select Publishing organisations, timeline view and display by table mode

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