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Data dashboard to support your research case

Getting started

To run through the activities:

  1. Access the Dimensions database by clicking on the link below
  2. Set up your account for authenticated access to the paid version of Dimensions:
    • If you are an University of Melbourne student or staff member you can provide your student or staff email address in the prompt box (ReadCube box) and follow the proceeding steps
    • If you are a member of another University (your institution may provide you access through their databases). For the duration of this session you may be able to complete some of the activities on your own device and others by sharing a device with someone else.
  3. Provide your email address on the box in the form that appears
  4. Check you student email/ staff email for the verification code that was just sent
  5. Enter that in the ReadCube box and click to enter the Dimensions database. Congratulations, you are now ready

One way to find collaborators: Abstract searching example

Use this abstract example to complete the "Find collaborators" task:



Michael-Luna, S., & Canagarajah, S. (2015). Multilingual academic literacies: Pedagogical foundations for code meshing in primary and higher education. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 4(1), 55–77.

As the population of Higher Education (HE) becomes decidedly more multilingual, HE instructors struggle with how to address the Englishes produced in high stakes academic writing. In this paper, we endeavor to unveil a practice-based understanding of how multilinguals can be pedagogically supported in their production of texts in a space in-between first and second language by revisiting an earlier HE based study through the lens of a study in an early education context. We begin by reconceptualising the possibilities for multilingual academic literacies through code meshing. Due to the high stakes and conventionally rigid nature of HE writing practices, we turn our attention to a lower stakes educational environment where pedagogical practice is more flexible and examine how code meshing is supported through six key pedagogical strategies in a first grade classroom. Our aim is to explicitly bring code meshing practices in early education classrooms to the attention of researchers and practitioners in higher education, in order to illustrate a pedagogic model which is of direct relevance to higher education. Finally, we reconsider a failed HE multilingual literacy experience by applying the six pedagogic strategies to show the value of code meshing in answering the conflicts faced by HE writers.

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