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Grants introduction

Keep up to date with key Grants,Scholarship information and resources from the University of Melbourne, National and International Organisations.

Books for grant writing

Books from the library collection can be useful when you are busy writing grant proposals.

To locate relevant books, journals, directories, use these SUBJECT headings:

· Proposal writing for grants.

· Research grants.

· Research grants -- Australia.

· Research grants -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.

University of Melbourne support

The University of Melbourne Scholarships Office is the key source of scholarships and grants information.

The University of Melbourne Research Office is responsible for supporting the management, administration and development of the University’s research.

In addition to the Melbourne Scholarships Program, your Faculty or Graduate School research office can often advise you regarding graduate scholarships and other funding options.

National and International Funding Opportunities

Funding information portals

Pivot-RP (UniMelb only)

Research Professional has been acquired by Clarivate. The new portal is called Pivot-RP. Information about this new tool is available to University of Melbourne researchers on the Gateway.


The Good Universities Guide

This guide provides information on Australian tertiary courses and scholarships. Searches can be narrowed by field of research and type of support (living allowance, travel grants, etc.).

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Library Blogs

Library Contacts