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Comparing Search Pathways

Why are there so many places to search? An overview of the differences between the most common search platforms.

Where to search and when

How do you know if you're searching for resources in the right places?

This guide compares different ways to search, and explains what types of resources each search pathway will help you find. There is no one search engine, database or platform that will find everything on your topic, so it's important to search in a variety of places.

View the table below for a summary of this guide and explore the linked pages for more information.  



General information, navigation, troubleshooting, and grey literature

 Scholarly resources, books, research, quality media, and images

Journal articles, book chapters, theses, and grey literature

 Books, quality media, images, and specialised resources

Journal articles, books, conference papers, news, theses, and media

 Does not include all the library's specialised resources and subscriptions

Books, databases, theses, media, and music scores

  Journal articles, book chapters, images, some specialised resources

Books, journal articles, images, media, and other specialised resources

 Searching in library databases takes practice. Ask a librarian for help!



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