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The following keyword search strategies link to search results in the library catalogue.
school system* AND instructional leader*
leadership AND classroom instruction
instructional leader* AND student achievement
leader* AND school performance
school improvement AND evaluation
curriculum AND leader* AND school*
Tips For Building Your Search Statement
Use truncation to extend search results - e.g. Leader* will retrieve Leader, leaders and leadership
Add "quotation marks" to retrieve a specific phrase.
Use the term OR to find synonyms or alternative terms- e.g. school performance OR key performance indicators OR KPI
Use brackets around alternative terms to create order in your search - e.g. (leader* OR principal*) AND teacher effectiveness
You might like to browse the shelves of the general book collection in the Gilbin Eunson Library. Try exploring at the following call numbers.
344.0407 Australian educational law and legislation
371.106 Teacher participation in administration
371.2 School management and organization
371.2012 School principals
371.207 Educational planning
378.1 Higher education and administration
379 Education and state
379.15 Educational change
Use these links to find items with these subject headings in the library catalogue.
academic achievement
classroom management
curriculum enrichment
educational accountability
educational leadership
educational planning
motivation in education
school administrators
school improvement programs
school management and organization
Teacher effectiveness.
Teacher effectiveness -- Australia.
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