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Media collections for Education

Educational kit locations

Kits consists of two or more formats (e.g. a test); parts (e.g. games of cards) ; or irregular shapes (e.g. models, puppets or musical instruments). 

They can be made up of any combination of cards, books, pictures, DVDs, CDs, videos, tests, models, toys, realia, games or puzzles.

Many of these kits are invaluable as resources for practical teachers.

Kits are held on the North Eastern side of Level 1 of the Giblin Eunson Library at UniM Giblin Eunson Kit or at UniM Giblin Eunson Bag. 

Educational kit organisation on shelves

Apart from a few exceptions, most of the Kit Collection is shelved in order of its Dewey Call
Number. However, due to the fragility or the size of some items, some kits are housed nearby, rather than in strict Dewey order.

The following are the main exceptions :
1. Big books are either placed on racks at the end of the Kit shelves, or on the lowest shelves as
close as possible to their Dewey number-often along with other big books of a similar Dewey
2. Large kits are placed on the lowest shelves as close as possible to their Dewey number, where
they will not be damaged or be a safety hazard.

3. A separate range of kits are available at UniM Giblin Eunson Bags. The bags are hanging up adjacent to the UniM Giblin Eunson Kits.

When borrowing and returning these kits, please take care to return the bags or containers with the kits and please check the contents before borrowing.

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