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Educational Psychology

This guide supports educational psychology courses and research.


Welcome to the Educational Psychology Library Guide. This resource is designed to save you time and connect you to relevant literature and support resources for your course.


Created by expert librarians, the guide shares:

  • the best databases and search tools for finding peer-reviewed journal articles, books and other literature for your coursework or research
  • tools to improve your workflows and access to subscribed content
  • resources to help you reference in APA7 style and organise literature



Your Library

The library for the Faculty of Education is the Giblin Eunson Library (Building 105) located at 111 Barry Street (opposite University Square), Campus Map. This library provides extended opening hours, extensive study spaces, in person support and the Education print-based collections.

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You may also want to investigate the Psychology Guide created by the BioMedical library team.

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