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Statistics and Data

Australian and international statistics and data.


Welcome to the Statistics and Data library guide

This guide contains Australian and international statistical resources and tips on finding and analysing statistics.


We have selected the 3 most popular Australian statistics resources with more grouped by topic.

Not found what you are after? Check our tips for locating statistics.

 Top 3 resources for Australian statistics

Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS)

The key resource for statistical data in Australia.

The ABS website contains statistics on the economy, labour, health, environment, industry and people.

Need more detail in your data?

The University has access to Microdata, more detailed information about individuals, businesses and other groups than the publically available dataset.

Details and how to apply, on the ABS website

ABS logo


Government Open Data portals

All levels of government have committed to making data produced by departments and agencies more accessible. You will find a range of data that can be used for statistical purposes

Aus data logo



IBISWorld industry reports contains statistics for Australian industries such as Construction, Education, and Transport.

IBISWorld logo


Australian statistics by topic


Want more resources and tips for finding Australian government documents?


Visit the library guide Australian Government Documents



We have selected the 3 most popular International statistics resources with more grouped by topic.

Not found what you are after? Check our tips for locating statistics.

Top 3 resources for International statistics

The World Bank

DataBank features indicators on  many topics including economic development, governance, health, environment and jobs. 

You can create your own queries; generate and save tables, charts, and maps.

World bank logo


United Nations Statistics Division

Global statistical information on economy, environment, population, society and trade.  

Statistics for UN programs such as sustainable development goals.



UN logo


OECD ilibrary

The OECD iLibrary contains a wide range of statistics from the 37 countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries.

OECD logo


  International statistics by topic



There's lots of statistics out there.

There may be other resources, not in this guide, that will be useful for your research. Start by identifying organisations that might be collecting the types of data you are looking for.​


Most statistics are collected by national and subnational government agencies.

  • Australian Bureau of Statistics
  • Office for National Statistics (UK)


International Organisations

Collect and collate statistics from different countries.

  • World Bank
  • the United Nations
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)


National Organisations  

Collect statistics on particular areas of interest

  • Australian Council for Educational Research
  • Diabetes Australia


Professional Associations

Conduct research and publish survey findings
  • Australian Institute of Management


It is important to evaluate statistical sources and data.

Questions to ask include:

Are the statistics relevant to your research?
Look at the type, depth and time range of data, and consider possible biases.

Are the statistics reliable?
Are they from an authoritative source such as government or a recognised international organisation?

What methodology was used?

Many sources of statistics document the methodology used.

Warning: different data collection methods across countries

International statistics are dependent on the collection of data by national governments and other agencies, so the types, depth and dates of data are not always consistent between countries.

Collection of data within individual countries

  • changes over time
  • may be inconsistent across states
  • and can be disrupted by events such as regime change and war



Need help analysing statistics?


Visit the library guide Statistical and Mathematical Software



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