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Competition and Consumer Law


EU Legal Research Guide

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Main Commentary Sources


Competition Law

The Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union contains the basic provisions of antitrust law. Later various regulations have been adopted. These regulations contain some general rules for the implementation of the Treaty provisions as well as the investigative powers of the European Competition Commission. There are various also other regulations and non-regulatory documents such and notices and guidelines.


EU Competition Law: Rules Applicable to Anti-trust Enforcement

These three volumes by the European Commission provide the full text of select rules, exempt regulations and guidelines as well as sector-specific rules (as at 1st July 2013):



If you need more information on how to research treaties, see the tab on Treaties in our Public International Law Research Guide. 




EU competition law is based on the articles 101 to 109 of the Treaty of on the functioning of the European Union and various regulations and directives.

See Part Three: Union policies and internal actions - Title VII: Common Rules on competition, taxation and approximation of laws – Chapter  1: Rules on competition, Sections:

Rules applying to undertakings - Articles 101-106

Aids granted by states - Articles 107-109





European treaties since the Single European Act and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union Article cover consumer protection in the EU. Consumer protection is also an objective defined in Article 12 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

European Commission Competition Portal


The European Commission on Competition with the national competition authorities has the power to enforce EU competition rules and Articles 101-109 of the Treaty on the Fun Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU).

Search cases for policy areas related to antitrust, cartels, merger and state aid in the European Commission Competition Portal. 

Other Case Law Resources

Law Report Series

Library Catalogue Search

Search Library Catalogue for books using Keyword search or Subject search using these terms:



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eBook platforms

You also can search across various Ebook platforms allowing you to search the full text of books. For example, Hart Publishing (iG Library) and Edward Elgar have many books on EU competition law.



Selected Books on EU Competition Law

For more Annual Reviews search the phrase "European Competition Law Annual" in the Library Catalogue.

European Union Government Agencies

Inquiries & Reports 

Please note, the references provided are not exhaustive of all the inquiries, reports and guidelines of the competition authorities in the EU.


Some of the most commonly used guidelines and notices of the European Commission are as follows:

Best Practice Guidelines 

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