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Alternative metrics

Alternative metrics: what they are, tools to gather them and how to increase your altmetric scores.

Other indicators of research impact or academic esteem

There are other indicators of research quality or academic esteem. The library recommends that researchers keep a portfolio or notebook listing activity, date, and relevance to your research. These alternative indicators could include:

  • Awards and Prizes
  • Conference presentations, keynotes, and publications
  • Editorships of journals, books, and other publications
  • Holdings of edited, authored or contributed to books in libraries
  • International engagement and collaboration
  • Influence on industry/government/public policy/community/cultural organisations
  • Membership of Learned Academy
  • Membership of Statutory Committee
  • Partnerships with other institutions, research groups, or industry
  • Patents
  • Previous successful grant applications and completed research projects
  • Registered Designs
  • Research Commercialisation Income
  • Research Fellowships

Check with your Faculty Research Office for more information.

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