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Australian law: Free online resources

A guide to free Australian legal research resources

Australian Law Reform Commission

The Australian Law Reform Commission website includes Reports, Discussion, Consultation, Background and Issues Papers from 1975 to the present in full text on its publications page.

From the ALRC 'About us' page:

The Australian Law Reform Commission is a federal agency operating under the Australian Law Reform Commission Act 1996 (Cth), and the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997. The ALRC conducts inquiries into areas of law at the request of the Attorney-General of Australia. Based on its research and consultations throughout an inquiry, the ALRC makes recommendations to government. ALRC recommendations do not automatically become law, however over 85 per cent of ALRC reports have been either substantially or partially implemented - making it one of the most effective and influential agents for legal reform in Australia.

Finding Law Reform Commission materials


The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) website has information about ALRC inquiries and publications such as final reports and consultation papers. 

The Australasian Law Reform Library on AustLII also has a collection of ALRC publications and materials. 

Australian Capital Territory

The ACT Law Reform Advisory Council was established in 2009 as a collaboration between the ACT Government and the ANU College of Law. Reports of the current council are available on the Advisory Council website.

Reports of previous bodies are available on AustLII:

New South Wales

The New South Wales Law Reform Commission website contains details of current projects and completed projects from Report 1 (1966) onwards.

The publications page includes reports, consultation papers, question papers, annual reports and other publications. 

Northern Territory

The Northern Territory Law Reform Committee is a non-statutory committee established to advise the Attorney-General on the reform of law in the Northern Territory.

The Reports page contains the full text reports from 1999 to current. 


The Queensland Law Reform Commission is an independent statutory body established under the Law Reform Commission Act 1968. It makes recommendations on areas of law in need of reform, and submits reports to the Attorney-General which are required to be tabled in Parliament.

The website provides access to current reviews, recently completed reviews and historical reviews from 1991 onwards. Working papers and annual reports are also available.

South Australia

The South Australian Law Reform Institute was established in December 2010, by an agreement between the Attorney- General of South Australia, the University of Adelaide and the Law Society of South Australia. Past and current projects, reports, papers and annual reports are available on the website.

Prior to the current Institute, the Law Reform Committee of South Australia operated from 1968 to 1987. The reports from this committee are available here.

Tasmania The Tasmanian Law Reform Institute was established in 2001 by agreement between the State Government, the University of Tasmania and the Law Society. The website contains reports and issues papers for completed and ongoing projects and annual reports.

The Victorian Law Reform Commission's Publications page contains complete sets of full text reports from Report 1 (2002)+, details of ongoing projects and Annual Reports. 

Reports of the Victorian Law Reform Commission's predecessor, the Law Reform Commission of Victoria, are available on AustLII from Report 1 (1985) to Report 50 (1992). 

Western Australia

The Law Reform Commission of Western Australia website includes all Reports and Papers from Project 1 (1970), discussion papers for current projects, and annual reports (from 1998/1999).

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