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Deafness and Communication

This guide supports students enrolled in the breadth subject Deafness and Communication, and the Deaf Education specialisation within the Master of Learning Intervention.

Where to find the curriculum and media collections

The Education Curriculum and Media Collections can be found on Level 1 of the Giblin Eunson Library. 

Discover a range of resources to support your assessment tasks and placements: 3D-objects, models, toys, games, big books, board books, picture books, young adult fiction, DVDs, CDs, charts, pictures and multi-piece sets.

This guide also features streamed videos and digital resources you can access online and use within your teaching.

Streamed media

Find streamed videos on-line using the library catalogue or a database, they are accessible 24/7 and play immediately.

New to streaming media?

Want to know how to create short clips?

 Search these databases for streamed videos:

Library Instagram

Library Blogs

Library Contacts