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Visual Art (Practice Based Art)

This guide will help you find resources for practice based visual art in the University of Melbourne Library

Searching the catalogue

To find books on a particular subject, use a keyword search on the library catalogue. For example:

contemporary art
"frida kahlo"

Keyword searching often retrieves a large number of results. You might want to limit your search by adding more words from your keyword list; for example:

contemporary art and photograph

mannerism and painting

"frida kahlo" and identity

Browse through the records retrieved and look at the hyperlinked subject descriptions that come with each catalogue record, e.g.

Art, Australian -- 20th century -- Exhibitions.

Art, Modern -- 21st century.

Painters -- France -- Biography.

You can then click on a subject description to find more material with the same subject.

You can have books sent from other branch libraries to your campus for pick-up

What's new in Visual Art?

View a list of new Art, Design and Architecture books in the library catalogue.

Catalogue Search

Use the library catalogue to search for relevant books, printed versions of journals and newspapers etc.


Browsing the shelves

You can also browse the shelves. Books on Visual Art are between the call numbers 700-780

700-709 The Arts

  • 701- Philosophy & theory of art 
  • 702- Performance and video art
  • 703- Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
  • 704- Indigenous art
    • 704.655 - Artist books
  • 707- Exhibition catalogues
  • 708 – galleries, musuemscuration
  • 709 – Art history to present- artist monographs
    • 709.04 Modern Art
    • 709.05 Contemporary Art

710-719 Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture

720-729 Architecture

  • 722-724 Architectural schools and styles

730-739 Sculpture

  •  731
    • 731.4- Sculptural techniques and processes
  •  732-735 Schools and styles of sculpture
  • 735- Individual sculptors by country
  • 738- Ceramic arts
  • 739- Metalwork

740-749 Drawing, graphic and decorative arts

  • 740.5 - Graphic novels 
  • 746- Fashion

750-759 Painting

  • 752- Colour
  • 759- Individual painters

760-769 Printmaking

  • Individual printmakers

770-779 Photography

  • Digital art
  • Individual photographers

Other library catalogues

Items listed in other libraries (Australia and overseas) may be requested by University of Melbourne staff and students via Inter-Library Loan.


Can't find something, or what you need is unavailable? The following catalogues can be used to find resources in libraries around Australia and the World:

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