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European Union information sources

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1. Documents of the European Union

Archives generales (historiques et courantes) CEAB 1-15

These are the historical records of the European Coal and Steel Community.


Microform Holdings: 1983-2002.

These are usually proposals for legislation, but they can also be discussion papers or other documents of interest.  They are sequentially numbered each year.  "Final" after the Com Doc number indicates that it was the version that was formally adopted by the Commission.

Official Journal of the European Communities

Holdings: Special Edition 1952-1972

                    Special Edition Second Series

Part C holdings: 1973-1999.  These contain communications, notices, reports etc, from the European institutions and the proceedings of the European Parliament.

Part L holdings 1973-1999.  These contain the texts of all secondary legislation passed by the E.U.

Debates of the European Parliament

holdings 11 Dec. 1972 - 10 mar. 1997

European Parliament Reports

These are reports from the various committees of the European Parliament.

holdings: A2. 1985-1989                                                                                                                                                            

              A3. 1990-1994

              A4. 1995-1997

Economic and Social Committee.

Opinions and Reports

holdings 1984-2002

2. Documents and Material about the European Union

Documents on British policy overseas.  Series II vol. 1. The Schuman Plan, the Council of Europe and western European integration May 1950 - December 1952. 

The documents reveal the difficulties of the British Government in its policy towards western European Integration.  The collection begins with the response towards the Schuman plan initiated by the French Government and ends with the assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community.


Foreign Office files for  post-war Europe  Series 1 The Schuman Plan and the European Coal and Steel Community.  (Public Record Office  Class F.O. 371.

The documents contained on these microfilm are a British perspective of the major issues on the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in April 1951. They cover the period up to the establishment of the European Economic Community with the signing of the Rome Treaty in 1957.

Holdings:  Part 1. 1950-1953

                Part 2. 1954-1955

                Part 3. 1956-1957    

Britain and Europe since 1945  

These microfiche contain material from pressure groups, politicians and other interested parties on British union with Europe.  The collection contains microfiche for the years 1945-1972 and then yearly updates from 1973 to 1980.  Britain applied to join the Union in 1961 but was not admitted until 1 January 1973.  In 1975 a referendum confirmed Britain's membership.  On the 23rd of June, 2016, Britons voted to leave the EU. It begs the question how closely do the arguments of the Brexiteers match the arguments of those opposed to joining with Europe in the first place?

Microfiche at : Baill MIC/f 3802

Guides at: Baill MIC 016.3829142 HENN (for 1945-1972)

                  Baill MIC 016.3829142 EVER (for 1975 update)

                  Baill MIC 016.3829142 DYMO  (for 1978 update)

                  Baill MIC 016.3829142 HARR (for 1980 update)


The Soviet world 1948-1989 systematic catalogue of articles

Microfiche of library catalogue cards from the Institute for Soviet and East European Studies, University of Amsterdam.  The guide is subtitled A bibliography of articles from the Soviet and western press.  Note: This is primarily a bibliography concerning the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. However, foreign policy and relations with western Europe and European unity are included.    The microfiche is a bibliography of articles only. 

Microfiche at: Bail MIC/f 4946

Guide at: Baill MIC 016.947085 SOVI

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