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European Languages

This guide will help you to locate resources for French, German, Italian, Russian, and Spanish & Latin American Studies.

Finding books

Library catalogue searching tips

To search by keyword use any distinctive words that describe the information you are looking for, e.g. :

  • cinema
  • Italian resistance
  • French Literature

Browse through the records retrieved and look at the hyperlinked subject descriptions that come with each catalogue record, e.g.

Click on any subject description to find more material that shares the same description.

Can't find the book you want?

If you can't find the book you want:

E-book collections

It is easy to locate an e book from the library catalogue!

  • By using the library catalogue and choosing the option to search for Keyword. Then narrow down your search to "Online Books" using the drop-down menu.
  • Enter your search terms eg Italian literature
  • To access an e-book in the catalogue, click the link: 'Connect to electronic book (University of Melbourne only)'.
  • You will then need to enter your University of Melbourne username and password.

    The library has two useful guides to help you with using eBooks:
  • eBooks 
  • eBook Central

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