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Chinese (PRC) and Hong Kong Law

A guide for researching Chinese (PRC) & Hong Kong law

Judicial consideration of cases: Finding cases citing other cases

  • From the Lexis home page, select China & Hong Kong (in the 'International' tab)
  • From the China & Hong Kong page, select All Hong Kong Cases
  • From the All Hong Kong Cases page, select CaseBase Hong Kong 


CaseBase Hong Kong is a case citator that covers all reported and most unreported Hong Kong judgments, as well as key overseas cases (such as from England or other Commonwealth jurisdictions) where they are referred to in Hong Kong judicial decisions. CaseBase includes key case details - party names, court, judges, judgment date, parallel citations - and catchwords and tables of legislation referred to. To clarify the precedential value of each case, all cross-references between cases are displayed and classified (applied, distinguished, overruled, considered etc) and summarised with colour-coded signals (characterising the treatment as positive, cautionary, negative or neutral). CaseBase links to full-text reported and unreported judgments and primary legislation. 

Finding cases on legislative provisions

Hong Kong courts

For information on the history, operation, and jurisprudence of the Court of Final Appeal, see:

See also the following books for commentary on the courts, judiciary and judicial interpretation:

Where to find Hong Kong case caw in English

Note that all the law reports and unreported cases on Westlaw that are listed below can be searched at the same time. Similarly, all the law reports and unreported cases on Lexis can be searched at the same time.

Reported decisions 

Unreported decisions 

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