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Google New Book alerts

Set up a Google Alert for books and receive email notices when new books that match your interests become available

You can set an alert so that Google searches the web on a regular topic gathering hits on a topic of interest from a range of sources (including news sources, videos and blogs). 

  1. Create a Google account if you do not already have one.
  2. To create an alert for books, go to Google Alerts, type in the keywords you are interested in about a book, (whether it’s title, author name, or topic). Then press carriage return to run a search on these words. Set an alert and choose “Books” from the Type drop-down button, and create.

You can run a number of alerts concurrently, and revisit your Google Alerts account to modify/add/remove alerts.

For advanced Google searching tips, look towards the Advanced Google searching guide.

Find in print books



Global Books In Print (GBIP) is the world's largest, unbiased and web-based bibliographic resource. Find the title you’re looking for quickly and easily, using this comprehensive database of books, ebooks, audio books, and video titles. It has expanded search options which enable you to find recommendations based on books you have read, authors you like, and topics that interest you. Books in Print Global Edition includes publications from Australia, U.S.A., Canada, Europe and the U.K.


Book blogs and book reviews

Book Reviews can help identify books in a subject, published recently which could be worthwhile reading.

Ideas for finding book reviews

  1. Search Academic Search Complete (Ebscohost) and limit results by 'book reviews' document type using the filters. Then enter the appropriate search terms or concepts in the search form.
  2. The New York Times Book Review is indexed within Academic Search Complete and covers Literature & Literary Criticism. It includes reviews of fiction/non-fiction works. You can also access the New York Times Book Review Podcast.
  3. Bookmark the American Book Review
  4. The Guardian Books Blog is another source to follow

Other databases may offer similar features or try finding Book Reviews on the Web from reputable sources.

Library catalogue alerts

Preferred Searches

From the Library Catalogue

Login to Patron record

  1. Run a search and click Save Search Button.
  2. To access your saved Search Click on the Preferred Searches from yourPatron Record 
  3. Preferred Searches can be viewed, launched, and deleted from your Patron Record.

Email Alerts

Email Alerts will send you information on new titles matching your Preferred Searches.

 Login to Patron record

  1. Click on Preferred Searches
  2. Tick the searches for which your wish to receive alerts
  3. Alerts are automatically sent to the email address in your Patron Record every Monday morning.


TROVE is the Australian national discovery service which provides access to data about print, electronic, image, newspaper, music and other archival material in Australian libraries.

OCLC WorldCat

WorldCat produced by the Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC) is the world's largest network of library content and services. WorldCat contains more than 1.4 billion items contributed by over 10,000 libraries worldwide, including material dating from 1000 A.D. It is updated on a daily basis. lets you search the collections of libraries in your community and thousands more around the world. 

To stay current with OCLC WorldCat, create lists of library items you'd like to keep track of or share with others.


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