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International Humanitarian Law

International criminal jurisdiction: Courts and cases

A system of international jurisdictions tries individuals accused of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity. The system consists of the International Criminal Court, plus ad hoc tribunals set up after specific conflicts.

To find decisions of the ICC and ad hoc tribunals, refer to the Caselaw tab on the International Criminal Law page of this Guide.

For a concise summary of all War Crimes under the Rome Statute over which the ICC has jurisdiction, and their source in International Humanitarian Law, see the comparative table produced by the International Committee of the Red Cross. 

Current conflicts

The following free 'debate maps' are provided by Oxford University Press.

Israel-Gaza Wars 2008-2014 - this resource maps scholarly commentary on the international law aspects of the armed conflict(s) between Israel and Gaza since Israel withdrew from the territory. Sources in the map include commentary published in English language law blogs and newspapers and free content from OUP's online services other free repositories.

A later update of this map will include consideration of a referral of the situation to the International Criminal Court.

The map links to sources such as the Opinio Juris, EJIL: Talk!, Volokh Conspiracy, and Just Security blog posts, the Goldstone Report, the Palmer Report, the Turkel Commission Report, the “Flotilla Report”, UN documents, Human Rights Watch, and selected articles. 

Ukraine Use of Force - this resource maps scholarly commentary on the legal arguments regarding the public international law (and some domestic constitutional law) aspects of the use of force in Ukraine, published in legal blogs and newspapers, and free content from OUP's online services.

Use of Force against Syria - this resource maps scholarly commentary on the legal arguments regarding the public international law aspects of the use of force against Syria published in English language legal blogs and newspapers and some very recent journal articles.

Disputes in the South and East China Seas - this resource maps scholarly commentary on the international law aspects of the conflicts in and around South China and East China Seas, including maritime boundary disputes, the question of sovereignty over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands, China's recent announcement of an Air Defence Identification Zone, and the Philippines/China UNCLOS arbitration. It brings together primary documents with discussions in English-language legal blogs and a selection of journal articles.

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