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Educational Research

A guide to key resources for conducting quality research in Education.

Library Catalogue Search

Finding eBooks


  • Use a keyword search to find books and ebooks on a topic. Once you have completed a search you can limit your search to a specific collection such as, Giblin Eunson Library or format such as online books (login with your username and password to view e-books)
  • Only want an eBook? Choose the option 'Online books'  in the catalogue. To read an e-book, open the catalogue record and then select the link: Connect to electronic book.
  • Interested in requesting library books by mail? Check out the 'sourcing online and print resources' page
  • Searching in Discovery will also retrieve books and ebooks

Further borrowing options

Can't find the book you want?

  • Staff and students can request books and articles we don't own via interlibrary loans Requested books are delivered to the University of Melbourne Library for collection.
  • Find copies of books held in Australian libraries using TROVE
  • Borrowing from other Victorian Universities - Get a CAVAL card and then you can visit and borrow books from other university libraries in Victoria.
  • Live Interstate? Borrowing options - Use the ULANZ borrowing scheme to borrow in person from any other participating Australian and New Zealand university libraries. 
  • Want us to buy a book? Fill in the Orders Request form.


Searching Tips

   Browse for titles in  the Library Catalogue 

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