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A library and research toolkit to support students enrolled in online Evaluation subjects. and courses

Library Catalogue Search

Access print and ebook resources 

Why use the Library catalogue? Get an overview of this search pathway

Information about requesting postal delivery of print resources.

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Search the library catalogue for ebooks

eBooks Support

Guides to support your use of eBooks

The eBooks guide provides support for using the eBooks the Library makes available on many platforms.

Finding eBooks

  • To find eBooks in the Library Catalogue, limit your search to Online Books

  • To get started with using an eBook, open the catalogue record and then select> Connect to ebook (login with your University of Melbourne password)

Featured eBooks

example eBook

Borrowing print copies of books within Australia

Borrowing from the University of Melbourne physical collections.

  • If you live in Melbourne you can visit the campus and borrow from the University of Melbourne Library.  You will need to ask your Graduate Online Support Consultant to organise a borrowing card for you. We are unable to mail out books.


  • A CAVAL card will allow you to browse the collections and borrow from other universities within Victoria. Ask your Graduate Online Support Consultant to organise a borrowing card for you.


  • Live interstate? Find copies of books held in Australian libraries using TROVE. Use the ULANZ borrowing scheme to borrow in person from any other participating Australian and New Zealand University libraries. Check the institutional requirements for borrowing and contact your Graduate Online Support Consultant if you need assistance with meeting the identification requirements.

eBook Recommendations

Keyword Searches

Use the following simple keyword searches to access eBooks results in the library catalogue. Explore the results and then add further terms to refine the search. See the Searching strategies page for guidance.

qualitative and SAGE

"formative evaluation"

Qualitative Research Methods

Quantitative Research Methods

Evaluation methods

Social Research

Data Analysis

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