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Spelling mistakes/alternatives
Search errors (AND, OR, truncation or proximity, see Your search strategy)
Words with a similar meaning
Alternative spelling
Variations of a word, eg plural
Sometimes a concept is important for your question but not your search, see if removing them helps, eg:
Low result numbers doesn't mean your search is bad. It can mean this is an emerging area of research.
If you aren’t getting enough results for your task you may need to broaden your search question.
A large number of results isn't a problem, however too many irrelevant results are.
For more information and more review types check our Which review is that? library guide
Answer a specific question by summarising all evidence that meets set criteria.
The methods used to search for and analyse the data are published.
In order to analyse the data effectively inclusion and exclusion criteria are needed eg types of studies, number of participants in each group, age of participants.
Look for all evidence that meets set criteria, but often address a broad question.
They are used to identify knowledge gaps, scope a body of literature,
clarify concepts, investigate research conduct, or to inform a systematic
Inclusion and exclusion criteria are used.
Summarise history, importance, and collective thinking on a particular topic.
Up to author to decide what is included, no set criteria.
The whole collection of subject headings is called a controlled vocabulary or thesaurus.
Watch this video (4 minutes) on the basics of subject headings.
PubMed gives quick, relevant results.
The interface and search algorithm are a bit more "google-like".
Ovid gives greater search control
Has a greater number of search fields and filters. Quick, basic search also available.
A multidisciplinary database does not have one focus, such as medicine, but covers a range of disciplines such as health, sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities.
Here are three widely used multidisciplinary databases:
They can be useful for:
A scholarly journal article is written by experts and goes through a process of peer review.
Experts in the field are asked to rigorously check an article for quality, originality and accuracy.
This feedback is given to the editor who decides if the work is suitable for inclusion or needs revisions.
Click spots below for more information:
Database contains | Can search? | Examples |
Peer review and non-peer review |
Look for a:
CINAHL Informit Health Collection |
Peer review and non-peer review
Web of Science Scopus Google Scholar |
Only peer reviewed journals
Medline (Ovid) PubMed |
Scholarly books, conference proceedings, textbooks and reference works are all other types of academic literature and may appear in library databases.
Check with your tutor or lecturer what is suitable for a particular assessment.