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Scholarship of Teaching & Learning (SoTL)


The purpose of this guide is to gather resources about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) to support the discovery of relevant literature and information.

What is SoTL?

Scholarship is manifest in scholarly teaching, which lies at the core of higher education, encompassing both aspects of scholarship - the maintenance of knowledge of current developments in the discipline, and transmission of this knowledge. At an individual level, demonstrating scholarly teaching includes:

  • being familiar with the latest ideas, debates and issues relating to the subject being taught, for example by reading relevant journals and publications on a regular basis and using this knowledge to shape teaching practice
  • being informed by current ideas for teaching the subject/discipline, such as improved pedagogies, learning processes, curricula, academic policies and learning materials
  • evaluating and reflecting on teaching practice and student learning (for example through peer assessment of teaching; reflecting on student feedback and actively engaging with students about learning outcomes) in order to challenge assumptions and consider alternative and/or different perspectives on teaching practices
  • stimulating students and fostering their learning in a variety of ways, to engage with current ideas in the discipline area
  • exploring, testing, practising and communicating understanding of who the learners are, how they learn and what practices are most effective in the context of the discipline (pedagogical content knowledge)”(TEQSA, 2020).

SOTL and Academic Advising 

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, including Academic Advising, Program is a Melbourne CSHE initiative for academic teaching staff and academic advisors. It aims to build Communities of Practice in SoTL and the Scholarship of Academic Advising across the University. 

MCSHE Scholarship of Technology Enhanced Learning (SoTEL) research network. 

The Melbourne CSHE SoTEL research network seeks to bring together specific expertise across all of the University Departments in: mobile learning, immersive reality, wearable technologies, enhanced simulation, design-based research, designing authentic learning, ePortfolios, and self-regulated learning. 

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