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The educational turn : rethinking the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education by Kathryn Coleman (Editor); Dina Uzhegova (Editor); Bella Blaher (Editor); Sophie Arkoudis (Editor)
This open access book explores how educational researchers working at the edges of innovations in languages and literacies, leadership, assessment, social and cultural transformation, and pedagogies rethink the educational turn in new sites. It engages with the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) for educational researchers to redefine ways of knowing about learning post-COVID and deepen collective understanding of student learning and teaching for next practices to emerge. This book extends the theoretical and practical aspects of the educational turn across multiple contexts as SoTL. It is grounded in a field of practice and ways of knowing, outlining key intellectual principals, and set against specific examples from research. The chapters reference an understanding of the pedagogical implications of the 'educational turn', utilise a broad range of theory and concepts, and explore potential implications for education and next practices.
Publication Date: 2023
Emerging Methods and Paradigms in Scholarship and Education Research by Lorraine Ling (Editor); Peter Ling (Editor)
There is a renaissance in the use of the term "scholarship," as it is being used to define areas of academic endeavour, describe academic work and achievements, and measure the quality of higher education. Although all academicians are required to engage in scholarship, it is difficult to navigate as there is a misunderstanding of this concept as new methods and approaches emerge. Emerging Methods and Paradigms in Scholarship and Education Research is an essential academic book that is designed to explain the areas of scholarship and their contemporary relationship to key components of academic work: research, teaching, service, and engagement. The chapter authors explore conceptions of scholarship, paradigms, and methods that fit a variety of contexts and needs. Highlighting a wide range of approaches from scientific realism and neo-positivism to interpretative, transformative, and pragmatic educational strategies and policy, this book is ideal for researchers, teachers, educational leaders, academicians, educational policymakers, and quality assurance agencies.
ISBN: 9781799810032
Publication Date: 2019
The Contemplative Mind in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning by Patricia Owen-Smith
In The Contemplative Mind in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Patricia Owen-Smith considers how contemplative practices may find a place in higher education. By creating a bridge between contemplative practices and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), Owen-Smith brings awareness of contemplative pedagogy to a larger audience of college instructors, while also offering classroom models and outlining the ongoing challenges of both defining these practices and assessing their impact in education. Ultimately, Owen-Smith asserts that such practices have the potential to deepen a student's development and understanding of the self as a learner, knower, and citizen of the world.
ISBN: 9780253033352
Publication Date: 2017
Doing the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Measuring Systematic Changes to Teaching and Improvements in Learning by Regan A. R. Gurung (Editor); Janie H. Wilson (Editor)
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) should be an integral part of every academic's life, representing not only the pinnacle of effortful teaching, but also standing side by side with more conventional disciplinary scholarship. Although practiced by many instructors for years, SoTL has garnered national attention resulting in a spate of new journals to publish pedagogical research. SoTL helps students, fosters faculty development, and has been integrated into higher education. This volume provides readers with challenges that will motivate them to engage in SoTL and take their pedagogical research further. We include many key features aimed to help both the teacher new to research and SoTL and also researchers who may have a long list of scholarly publications in non-pedagogical areas and who have not conducted research. This is the 136th volume of this Jossey-Bass higher education series. It offers a comprehensive range of ideas and techniques for improving college teaching based on the experience of seasoned instructors and the latest findings of educational and psychological researchers.
ISBN: 9781118838662
Publication Date: 2014
Evaluating Teaching and Learning by David Kember; Paul Ginns
Every semester, colleges and universities ask students to complete innumerable course and teaching evaluation questionnaires to evaluate the learning and teaching in courses they have taken. For many universities it is a requirement that all courses be evaluated every semester. The laudable rationale is that the feedback provided will enable instructors to improve their teaching and the curriculum, thus enhancing the quality of student learning. In spite of this there is little evidence that it does improve the quality of teaching and learning. Ratings only improve if the instruments and the presentation of results are sufficiently diagnostic to identify potential improvements and there is effective counselling. Evaluating Teaching and Learning explains how evaluation can be more effective in enhancing the quality of teaching and learning and introduces broader and more diverse forms of evaluation. This guide explains how to develop questionnaires and protocols which are valid, reliabile and diagnostic. It also contains proven instruments that have undergone appropriate testing procedures, together with a substantial item bank. The book looks at the specific national frameworks for the evaluation of teaching in use in the USA, UK and Australia. It caters for diverse methodologies, both quantitative and qualitative and offers solutions that allow evaluation at a wide range of levels: from classrooms to programmes to departments and entire institutions. With detail on all aspects of the main evaluation techniques and instruments, the authors show how effective evaluation can make use of a variety of approaches and combine them into an effective project. With a companion website which has listings of the questionnaires and item bank, this book will be of interest to those concerned with organising and conducting evaluation in a college, university, faculty or department. It will also appeal to those engaged in the scholarship of teaching and learning.
ISBN: 9780203817575
Publication Date: 2012
Emerging practices in scholarship of learning and teaching in a digital era by Siu Cheung Kong, and Tak Lam Wong, Min Yang, Cheuk Fai Chow, Ka Ho Tse, editors
In this book, we put forward a holistic conceptual framework for implementing Scholarship of Learning and Teaching (SoLT) in higher education. Unlike previous SoLT studies, which usually focus on a specific aspect, here various aspects are integrated into a holistic framework. Further, it identifies three main stakeholders, namely, the higher education institution, teaching staff, and students. These stakeholders are in turn connected by four interlocking themes: staff professional development, enhancement of student learning experiences, assessment, and digital technologies. Presenting chapters that address these four themes, this book supports the advancement of SoLT in higher education in relation to existing theories and emerging practices. By helping academics and leaders in higher education to implement SoLT for the improvement of student learning and teaching practices, it also makes a valuable contribution to the field of teacher education.
ISBN: 9789811033445
Publication Date: 2017
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education by Rowena Murray
This book is designed for lecturers on a wide range of professional courses. It directly addresses questions that come up again and again in seminar discussions; questions that are fundamental to the values and perspectives of academics across the disciplines: What is meant by the scholarship of teaching and learning in higher education? What is the purpose of higher education? Are lecturers really 'students' on these courses? How do you do 'reflective' writing? What do we do with all this theory and jargon? What does CPD in this area involve? How do you do 'research' on teaching and learning? This book does not treat each element of the curriculum separately - course design, assessment, evaluation of teaching etc. - since that approach has been well handled by others. Instead, like other books in the series, it addresses elements of the curriculum in an integrated way, thereby educating the reader in how to approach a range of higher education related issues. This book provides a scholarly introduction to the literature on these questions. Like other books in the series, it offers a concise treatment of complex questions. It also provides directions for future study. Contributors: Matthew Alexander, Glynis Cousin, Helen Fallon, Ian Finlay, Diana Kelly, Ruth Lowry, Marion McCarthy, Rowena Murray, Jacqueline Potter, Christine Sinclair, Sarah Skerratt and Barry Stierer.
ISBN: 9780335234462
Publication Date: 2008
The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered by Pat Hutchings; Mary Taylor Huber; Anthony Ciccone
Praise for The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Reconsidered "A worthy capstone that pulls together two decades of Carnegie Foundation projects on the scholarship of teaching and learning. The authors review the genesis of these ideas and envision a future of continued integration of a culture of evidence in the world's universities and colleges. Projects end but the work continues." --Lee S. Shulman, president emeritus, The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, and Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education emeritus, Stanford University "This book captures the most important lessons from a decade of thoughtful experimentation with methods to improve the learning outcomes of American college students. The authors have deep experience in institutionalizing various approaches that have been devised and endorsed by faculty in many kinds of higher education settings. It will be a manual for those seeking to improve their own teaching and learning outcomes." --Katharine Lyall, president emerita, University of Wisconsin System "The authors recount the history of research into one's own teaching, further develop its conceptualization, and make recommendations for how to bring it into the mainstream. Collectively, they have been at the center of the movement and have written, spoken, strategized, and organized conversations and scholarly work on the topic for many years. They present rich examples from many different environments and an unwavering vision of the benefits of the scholarship of teaching and learning and its potential." --Nancy Chism, Indiana University School of Education, Indianapolis "This book reframes the literature on the scholarship of teaching and learning, faculty development, assessment, and the future of higher education. The writing sparkles with fresh analysis on teaching, learning, academic culture, and the possibilities for change. This book will help both individual faculty and entire institutions to enhance scholarly teaching and to deepen student learning." --Peter Felten, assistant provost and director, Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, and associate professor of history, Elon University
ISBN: 9780470599082
Publication Date: 2011
Enhancing Learning Through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning by Kathleen McKinney; K. Patricia Cross (Foreword by)
The Challenges and Joys of Juggling There has been growing demand for workshops and materials to help those in higher education conduct and use the scholarship of teaching and learning. This book offers advice on how to do, share, and apply SoTL work to improve student learning and development. Written for college-level faculty members as well as faculty developers, administrators, academic staff, and graduate students, this book will also help undergraduate students collaborating with faculty on SoTL projects. Though targeted at those new to the field of SoTL, more seasoned SoTL researchers and those attempting to support SoTL efforts will find the book valuable. It can be used as an individual reading, a shared reading in SoTL writing circles, a resource in workshops on SoTL, and a text in seminars on teaching. Contents include: Defining SoTL The functions, value, rewards, and standards for SoTL work Working with colleagues, involving students, writing grants, integrating SoTL into your professional life, and finding useful resources Practical and ethical issues associated with SoTL work Making your SoTL public and documenting your work The status of SoTL in disciplinary and institutional contexts Applying the goals of SoTL to enhance student learning and development.
ISBN: 9781933371290
Publication Date: 2007
Into the Classroom by Thomas Hatch; Lee S. Shulman (Foreword by)
Teachers are the "lone rangers" of education. They are sequestered in their classrooms, unable to see what their colleagues are doing. All too often, good teachers have few, if any, opportunities to share their teaching techniques with others in their profession. Based on the development of the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Into the Classroom clearly shows the advantages of bringing teaching into the public arena and making it possible for many people to see the nature and quality of the teaching that goes on inside schools. Once teaching is more public we can create unprecedented opportunities for teachers to learn from one another and for others to participate constructively in supporting and improving schools. Into the Classroom outlines the myriad issues that must be addressed in order for the teaching profession to become a true learning profession. Into the Classroom contains well-researched recommendations for ways to facilitate communication, collegiality, and information sharing and includes suggestions for: Documenting and representing what teachers actually do in the classroom Establishing new forums for the presentation, publication, and review of teachers' work Creating an audience for teachers' work and building the collective capacity to interpret and assess what goes on in the classroom Implementing standards that recognize and encourage teachers' professionalism Developing new standards that support Federal mandates for improving teaching quality In addition, Into the Classroom offers useful case examples of professional development, and describes the policies and practices that help teachers to develop and share their own expertise.
ISBN: 0787981087
Publication Date: 2005
Engaging in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning by Cathy Bishop-Clark; Beth Dietz-Uhler; Craig E. Nelson (Foreword by)
This is a book for anyone who has ever considered engaging in the scholarship of teaching and learning - known familiarly as SoTL - and needs a better understanding of what it is, and how to engage in it. The authors describe how to create a SoTL project, its implications for promotion and tenure, and how it fosters: * Increased satisfaction and fulfillment in teaching * Improved student learning * Increased productivity of scholarly publication * Collaboration with colleagues across disciplines * Contributing to a growing and important body of literature This guide provides prospective SoTL scholars with the necessary background information, foundational theory, tools, resources, and methodology to develop their own SoTL projects, taking the reader through the five stages of the process: Generating a research question; Designing the study; Collecting the data; Analyzing the data; and Presenting and publishing your SoTL project. Each stage is illustrated by examples of actual SoTL studies, and is accompanied by worksheets to help the reader refine ideas and map out his or her next steps. The process and worksheets are the fruit of the successful SoTL workshops the authors have offered at their institution for many years. SoTL differs from scholarly and reflective teaching in that it not only involves questioning one's teaching or a teaching strategy, but also formally gathering and exploring evidence, researching the literature, refining and testing practices, and finally going public. The purpose of SoTL is not just to make an impact on student learning, but through formal, peer-reviewed communication, to contribute to the larger knowledge base on teaching and learning. While the roots of SoTL go back some 30 years, it was Ernest Boyer in his classic Scholarship Reconsideredwho made the case for the parity of the scholarships of integration, of discovery, of application, and of scholarship of teaching as vital to the health of higher education. Glassick, Huber, and Maeroff 's subsequent Scholarship Assessedarticulated the quality standards for SoTL, since when the field has burgeoned with the formation of related associations, a proliferation of conferences, the launching of numerous journals, and increasing recognition and validation by institutions.
ISBN: 9781579224707
Publication Date: 2012
Scholarship Assessed by Charles E. Glassick; Mary Taylor Huber; Gene I. Maeroff
Scholarship Assessed continues the exploration begun by Scholarship Reconsidered. It examines the changing nature of scholarship in today's colleges and universities and proposes new standards with a special emphasis on methods for assessment and documentation. Begun under the oversight of Ernest L. Boyer, and based on the findings of the Carnegie Foundation's National Survey on the Reexamination of Faculty Roles and Rewards, Scholarship Assessed provides a base of information for and gives focus to the debate of institutional standards of rigor and quality.
ISBN: 0787910910
Publication Date: 1997