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Musicology and Ethnomusicology

This guide supports musicology, ethnomusicology and popular music studies at the University of Melbourne. It includes guides to researching books, journals, music scores, sound recordings and video.

Required listening lists


Required listening lists for subjects have been made available for students in the relevant subject LMS/Canvas sites. Speak with your lecturer if you're unsure.

NOTE: For general listening, Naxos Music Library and other online music services are still available. 

Online Sound Recordings

Other Online Sound Recordings

(Open Access)

CD & Vinyl Collections

To find sound recordings, do an advanced keyword search on the library catalogue. 

Keyword search for online recordings

  1. specify distinctive words or phrases eg Messiaen
  2. Modify or Limit Search to Online Music Audio

Vinyl recordings

Southbank Library also holds a large collection of sound recordings on vinyl. They are in closed access but can be requested and listened to in the library. They are not available for loan. Please ask at the Service Desk if you need assistance.

Sound Recordings for Research

The library catalogue is a key resource for finding sound recordings held in the library. Here are some tips for searching:

  • Search by instrument, region, style, genre, performer, time period, composer, title of work.
  • In the initial search screen, you may limit your search to CD Collections or Online Music Audio.
  • To widen your search to include vinyl records, go to Advanced Keyword Search and select Sound Record under the Material Type menu.
  • You may also search by subject, for example Musicology, or Ethnomusicology. These subjects can be combined with other terms (for example, time period, genre, region, or instrument) to narrow your search.

Example of catalogue search

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