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Citing and referencing

 Need help with your referencing and citing?

Re:cite is The Library’s Hub for helping you manage your citations and references.

Re:cite shows you how to cite a range of different sources in the main referencing styles used at the University of Melbourne with clear examples and style notes provided for each.



Introduction to Referencing and Citing

  Which citation style should you use? 

Your lecturers or subject co-ordinators may suggest specific referencing styles for your University assignments. It is important to follow their recommendations. When using a specified referencing style you must use its rules consistently.


No specified style?  We recommend APA 7th: a widely used author-date style that incorporates in-text citations and a reference list.


  Why citing is important? 


  • Correct citations allow your readers to follow up sources you have referred to, so citing is in the interests of scholarly investigation and the sharing of ideas.
  • Accurate citation is good academic practice and a legal requirement.
  • If you draw upon other people's work in your writing and research and do not acknowledge those sources, you can be accused of plagiarism!

Getting Started With Citing and Referencing

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