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This guide will help you find quality resources for your marketing studies and research.

Marketing Metrics

Share of heart, satisfaction

The American Customer Satisfaction Index and The UK National Customer Satisfaction Index (Some material is freely available.  You will need to sign up to access the free material)

  • Satisfaction

Nielsen Top 100 brands report has Attitudinal index

  • Ad and brand attitudes

Word of Mouth Index (WoMI)

  • Word-of-mouth score
  • Net promoter score

Proprietary data

  • Ad and brand awareness
  • Brand loyalty, brand usage

Market Share

  • Revenue/unit market share 
  • Relative market share

Proprietary data

  • Share of wallet
  • Heavy usage index

Margins and Profits

Annual reports from Mint Global Original Documents collection

  • Margins, markups
  • Variable and fixed costs
  • Break-even analysis
  • Contribution margin
  • Advertising as a percentage of sales (check also Advertising Age)
  • Target profits, volume and revenue

Proprietary data

  • Channel prices and margins
  • Return of Marketing Investment 

Brand and Market Penetration

Annual reports from Mint Global Original Documents collection

  • Number of customers
  • Total population and market

Customer Profitability

Annual reports from Mint Global Original Documents collection

  • Number of customers
  • Recency - look for 'active users' or 'relapsed customers'
  • Retention and attrition rates - look for 'churn rate'
  • Acquisition and retention cost

Proprietary data

  • Consumer profit
  • Customer/Prospect Lifetime Value

Product, Brand and Portfolio Management

Annual reports from Mint Global Original Documents collection

  • Cannibalization
  • Growth metrics

Websites InterbrandMillward-Brown BrandZBrand Finance Australia and Nielsen Top 100 Brands report

  • Brand equity metrics
Proprietary data
  • Category buyers

Pricing Strategy

Search books in the Library catalogue for "pricing strategy" or microeconomics 

Search industry studies in Business Source Compete and ProQuest

Sales Promotion

Proprietary data

  • Baseline sales
  • Incremental sales
  • Promotional lift
  • Redemption rates
  • Costs for coupons and rebates
  • Percent sales with coupon
  • Pass-through
  • Price waterfall

Sales forcast and channel management 

Annual reports from Mint Global Original Documents collection and the Gartner Supply Chain Top 25

  • Supply chain metrics
    • out-of-stocks
    • on-time delivery
    • inventory turnover/days

Proprietary data

  • Sales force metrics
    • coverage
    • sales goals,
    • effectiveness
    • compensation
    • sales pipeline
  • Distribution availability metrics
    • numeric distribution
    • ACV
    • PCV

Advertising and web metrics 

Note: Media metrics are specific to media outlets used for advertising campaigns and this information is not readily available.

Nielsen Top 100 brands report has Estimated media spend

  • Share of voice

Proprietary data

  • General creative metrics
  • Digital advertising and web analytics

Additional Information

Even for proprietary metrics, you may be able to find one-off mentions in: 


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