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Working with literature: a guide for Education doctoral students

Potential search-to-writing workflow

  1. Start with a research topic formulated as a research question.
  2. Map the concepts based on the underlying themes in the research question into a tabular document or a mindmap
  3. In the map make reference to
    • Themes/Concepts [Vertical columns]
    • Inclusion/Exclusion criteria [One of the columns]
    • Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
  4. Identify databases, repositories, clearinghouses, data sources which might help you to locate the correct types of literature
    • Select a broad range of databases and tools
  5. Set up initial search statements (search strings that are built with Boolean operators and correct use of brackets for nesting or double quotes for phrase searching)
  6. Implement test searches and rank the value of search tools. You should be able to narrow the number of tools once you have assessed the coverage of your topic.
  7. Fix any search structure issues
  8. Repeat the searches and document again, keeping your search record chronological.
    • There is a time to focus more broad and holistic and later comes a time to focus in more detail or on specific details
  9. Collect references into reference management tool.
  10. Build a list of codes [tags or labels] for use to create order in your reference library.
  11. Use the codes consistently while building your reference library.
  12. Organise your references in meaningful groups or collections within your reference library or document folders
  13. Use your reference library (reference manager) and export reference data to a spreadsheet (CSV or Excel) for use in the analysis and synthesis of your review
  14. Do some critical thinking in the analysis/synthesis phase or throughout [not always linear]
  15. Keep on checking where you are while managing timelines and reaching targets set for yourself.

Consider other ways of organising your thoughts...

  • Piles

  • Cards

  • Mindmapping software

  • Matrix (Coding book)

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