Google Scholar provides citation data for all publications indexed in GS, including journal articles, books, book chapters, conference papers, working papers, theses and more.
Google Scholar Citations profiles
Searches for publications (Journal Articles, Conference papers, etc.) - each time in a different way with varied effect.
Search example
In the first attempt the words from the publication title is copied straight into the search box and no phrase marks at the start and the end. The result is almost 2.5 million results.
Search example
This time there are phrase marks at the beginning and the end of the search words. The results are reduced to '96' more focused listings. The phrase can be anywhere (not necessarily in the title field).
Search example
This time the phrase is required in the title only. We found 4 listings.
[Citation] listings: Google Scholar often report more than one occurrence of the same publication. These multiple occurrences causes 'stray' entries, that is not aggregated under the master record. The second, third and next versions often have small numbers of citations each, with the effect that the citation count for the main entry is reduced by these numbers. See how many of these entries are labeled with the word [citation] in front and is often not hyperlinked either.
Many researchers and authors with public Google Scholar Citations profiles allow others to find their related works by clicking on the hyperlink within an individual article, book or book chapter reference in Google Scholar. This time we can see, the author have combined multiple entries into one. The benefit of having your own Google Scholar Citation profile should now be clear.
You can make a case about the impact of your career of producing research outputs (productivity) and the impact of the outputs collectively (citation counts) based on your h-index in Google Scholar.
If you have a Google Scholar Citations account it helps you to take control of your own publication information and it displays your h-Index as part of that.
When a publication collects at least 10 citations each the author's i10-index is calculated. This is an alternative measure to the h-index.
This is a metric that can be used to benchmark the performance of the Author. The benchmark should be used to compare against researchers with similar research area interests, in similar institutions and with similar length of career, etc.
The performance of the Author is often benchmarked during decisions about tenure, promotion, or recruitment.
Citations (total citation counts) for all publications in your Google Scholar Citations profile is added up. A chart with a bar for each year and citations per year is generated (by clicking on the total count).