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RILAS Masterguide

This is a private guide for use by Rilas Op Group members to support and populate guides they create relating to research impact metrics, alternative metrics and related topics.

Example Statements for Top Journal Percentiles

I have published regularly in top quality journals, with eight publications in Q1 journals and three in Q2 journals.  For my total publications 65% are in Q1 journals.

Top Journal Percentiles in Web of Science

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2. Search for your name variants (e.g. Smith R A OR Smith Roger A)
3. Click on the journal title in the result.  The impact factor and quartile information will appear.  Unfortunately, this data is not downloaded with Web of Science records.
4. Repeat for each journal and calculate the percentage and number in Q1/Q2 journals manually

Note : InCites will display these figures for you in the researcher profile, however you have to establish a ResearcherID account and save all your papers to a ResearcherID account first.  This option is found under the “Save to ..” Options at the top of Web of Science result sets.  It is usually easier to calculate this figure manually

Top Journal Percentiles in Scival

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1. Go to SciVal
2. Go to Benchmarking
3. Select yourself as researcher
4. Set Metric 1 to Publications in Top Journal Percentiles
5. Set year range to the desired year range

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