The purpose of this guide is to support you to examine your citation practice and provide resources to encourage a thoughtful approach to the work you are engaging with, citing and ultimately uplifting and amplifying.
Citation is a crucial aspect of academic writing, it acknowledges the ideas and work of authors that have influenced and informed our own writing. It demonstrates academic rigor and legitimacy. However, the politics of citation are complex and can reinforce biased power structures, particularly in relation to race, gender, and identities that are less-represented.
Richard Delgado coined the term "politics of citation" to describe the exclusion of African-American, Hispanic, and Native-American scholars in civil rights scholarship, where a small group of white male professors dominated scholarly discourse and cited only amongst themselves. Citation practices draw attention to the ideas that matter, shape what we think about a field, and impact intellectual influence and reputation.
Dr. Sara Ahmed describes citation as a "successful reproductive technology" that reinforces the intellectual influence of certain thinkers, typically white, male, and heteronormative, over others who are often less represented such as people of colour or women. Indigenous scholars have reported facing challenges with citation, as they are often encouraged to acknowledge non-Indigenous academics instead of the knowledge cited from emerging Indigenous researchers or First Nations communities.
However, conscientious citation practices can amplify diverse voices in research, encouraging us to cite people because they have good ideas rather than status. This promotes a more inclusive and diverse discipline, challenging traditional academic hierarchies.
This blog post is widely considered to be one of the foundational texts on citation politics. Ahmed discusses how the citational structures that form some disciplines exclude the work of certain bodies whilst privileging others.
Ray argues that while racially biased citation patterns may be unintentional, the practice of framing new works in relation to canonical works can perpetuate inequality. Ray encourages scholars to proactively cite relevant research from underrepresented academics in their field.
This interview focuses on the experiences of two Indigenous scholars: Kyle Powys Whyte, a professor at Michigan State University, and Sarah Hunt, an assistant professor of First Nations and Indigenous Studies at University of British Columbia. Powys Whyte and Hunt draw attention to biases in the peer review process and citation patterns, which have implications for research grants, career progression and succeeding in academia.
Mott and Cockayne argue for the importance of being mindful of the impact of citation.
This seminal article is illustrative of the effects of biased citation practices. In the field of Civil Rights law scholarship, Delgado highlights that the dominance of literature produced by a small group of white scholars and the resulting exclusion of the work of minority scholars, lead to knowledge production about race, racism and American Law that was "blunted, skewed and riddled with omissions".