Theses fit into the realm of grey literature and can be a valuable source of information that may help clarify other research that has been undertaken but not yet formally published. Although a growing number of theses are being made electronically, institutions who hold theses ultimately make the decision as to whether to make these available. Some theses may only be available in print format and access may come with a cost.
UoM theses are listed in the library catalogue and are identified by 'T'
Search Tip - This catalogue link has applied the limit to University of Melbourne Theses only.
The National Library of Australia's Trove service can be searched for theses.
Search tip - Enter your keywords and change "All Categories" on the search bar to "Research and Reports"
From the results, use "Refine your Results" to limit to Theses
DART-Europe E-theses Portal
Access to digitised theses made available by European universities
British Library EThOS (Electronic Theses Online Service)
Search for UK theses and access or request full text.
For further information on finding Theses
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global
Theses from around the world. Full-text and multidisciplinary coverage.
Search tip - To reduce the number of results and review only full text, enter search terms and change the field being searched from 'Anywhere' to 'Anywhere except full text -NOFT'
From the results, select the 'Limit to Full Text' option