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Text Mining for Search Strategy Development

Discover text mining resources and applications for search strategy development in Health Sciences and Medicine

Text Mining - User Input Tools


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VOSViewer is a tool for constructing and visualising bibliometric networks based on journals, researchers or individual publications. The text mining functionality allows you to visualise co-occurance of terms extracted from a body of literature and may be useful for developing concepts for a search strategy.

Availability: Download or web launch (requires Java support)

Data Source: File Import 

Tool Type: Visualisation

Features: Database agnostic, recommended for developing concepts

Import Formats: Supported file types: Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, RIS, CrossRef JSON files

Export Formats: .png (screenshot function)

Known Limitations: Recommend exporting from Endnote (RIS) to control the included fields.



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Voyant Tools

Voyant Tools is a web-based text analysis tool with a variety of functions. Search results from databases can be uploaded to the tool to show word frequency, words in phrases and word trending.

Availability: Free online, download

Data Source: User input

Tool Type: Text analysis, visualisation, concordancing

Features: Multiple panels and tools to explore the text

Import Formats: HTML, MS Word, MS Excel, ODT, Pages (Apple), PDF, plain text, RTF, XML

Export Formats: Export or save URL only



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Write Words is phrase frequency counter that allows you to type or paste text into the search box to identify phrases. You are able to check for phrases with up to ten words. The results show the phrases that have been identified and the number of times they appear in the text.

Availability: Free online

Data Source: User input

Tool Type: Phrase identifier

Features: Simple copy and paste of text

Import Formats: Free text - type, copy and paste

Export Formats: Results on screen

Known Limitations: Unknown text limitation


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Text Analyzer

Text analyser is a beta tool provided by JSTOR Labs. Drag and drop full text articles and the tool will analyse the text and identify the key topics. The identified terms may be useful for inclusion in a search strategy and the, the tool also suggests other relevant articles from JSTOR.

Availability: Free online

Data Source: User input  (see file types below)

Tool Type: Text analysis

Features: Drag and drop file input, adjust the importance of terms identified

Import Formats: csv, doc, docx, gif, htm, html, jpg, jpeg, json, pdf, png, pptx, rtf, tif (tiff), txt, xlsx

Export Formats: View on screen

Known Limitations: Links to only to JSTOR content


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