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Biomedical Research Translation

To assist researchers conducting research to industry translation of their work


BioCurate is a joint venture between The University of Melbourne and Monash University.  BioCurate focus on translating drug discoveries in a form attractive to commercial partners.  As an independent operator BioCurate aim to help projects succeed over the period between the end of primary research funding and the start of investment from companies at late pre-clinical and early clinical development.


University of Melbourne staff information for BioCurate (login required)

Research, Innovation and Commercial Engagement

The University’s Business Development Directors assist organisations looking to work more closely with the University. With senior industry experience, the Business Development Directors understand the expectations of businesses and organisations, and the University’s partnering and commercialisation processes.

They can assist with :

  • Engaging with industry
  • Research sponsorship and tender opportunities
  • Contract research proposals
  • IP protection
  • Technology transfer

If you have a general question about working with us, or about which Business Development Director can best work with you, please contact Andrew Maxwell.


The Methods and Implementation Support for Clinical and Health Research hub seeks to to facilitate and collaborate, with our partners to ensure resources are visible and mechanisms are in place for accessing the core research methods of Biostatistics, Health Economics or Health Informatics.

Research Infrastructure at the University of Melbourne

The University of Melbourne provides a variety of research platforms including spectrometry, proteomics, microscopy, informatics, materials research, bioimaging, cytometry and data management to assist in translational science.  

Research Infrastructure at the University of Melbourne

NHMRC Research Translation assistance

The National Health and Medical Research Council have a variety of funding schemes, initiatives and assistance mechanisms to support research translation to practice. 

Research Translation and Impact (NHMRC)

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