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Research impact for Education: a self-help guide


A way to find a summary of the most prominent research output and impact trends is via one or more of the many researcher dashboards. Ensure you have access to the University of Melbourne specific dashboards (Elements and Researcher Dashboard) and also look at commercial researcher dashboards. This way a lot that is available gets harvested and brought to your attention.


Dashboards discussed:


Elements researcher (University of Melbourne)



Elements is the researcher outputs management system for each University of Melbourne researcher. It provides a summary-screen with the Web of Science, Scopus and Dimensions h-Index for each researcher where available.


Elements (Institutional publication management)

To get an accurate reflection of your researcher and publication metrics, you need to make sure that your publication data stays up-to-date. Check on the actions required in Elements periodically.

Elements publication management staff profile display with linked ORCIDElements tells authors what actions to take


Researcher dashboard on Infohub

The Researcher dashboard can be found in the University of Melbourne Infohub. The Infohub is the central point for reporting across several domains, including Research. Research domain dashboards for both individual researchers (RES01) and Faculty/School/Department level (RES02) are provided.


Researcher dashboard (Infohub)

The Scopus author profile

Scopus author profiles are available for all researchers with publications indexed in Scopus.

Step1: Search for the Scopus author profile

  • The affiliation field do not need to be completed for the search

Click to view larger image

Step 2: Locate the correct Scopus Author profile

  • If the author has more than one document in Scopus, click on the hyperlinked author name of the profile


Click to view image

Step 3: View Scopus Author profile summary metrics

Click to view larger image

Step 4: Analyze the author output

As part of Analyze the author output, view the following cards provided in Scopus:

  1. View Documents by source
  2. View Documents by subject
  3. View Documents by type

Step 5: View the H-graph

Scopus: Analyze author output

Click to view larger image


Web of Science author profiles

Web of Science author profiles (researcher profiles) are integrated into Web of Science core collection for authors with publications indexed in it. To optimise WOS researcher profiles, look for the option to 'claim my record'. Ensure all subsets of publications are grouped into one author profile.

Step 1: Search for the Web of Science author profile

Click to view larger image

Step 2: Locate the correct Web of Science Author profile

Click to view larger image

Step 3: View Web of Science Author profile summary metrics

Click to view larger image

Click to view larger image

Click to view larger image

Click to view larger image

Step 4: Analyze the author output

Scopus: Analyze author output

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Scopus: Analyze author output

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Scopus: Analyze author output

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