Altmetric Explorer for Institutions
Users can search Altmetric Explorer by journal or collection, allowing insights into how frequently different titles are mentioned in news reporting, policy doucuments, socia media, and elsewhere.
Cabells Journalytics Academic
Find and compare journals' acceptance rates, time from manuscript submission to publication, time from review to acceptance. Users can also view the top percentiles of journals for selected disciplines.
Directory of Open Access Journals
Use this curated list of fully open access journals to identify high-quality peer-reviewed open access journals. Titles that meet the highest standards of open access publishing receive the DOAJ Seal of Approval. DOAJ enables easy grouping of journals based on subject area, receipt of the DOAJ seal, publisher, cost (APC), and type of journal license.
InCites - Journal Citation Reports
InCites, from Clarivate, provides Journal Impact Factors (JIFs) for titles indexed in Web of Science. Note that journals can be listed in more than one subject category and JIFs can vary between fields.
PubsHub: Journals & Congresses
Find and compare the submission criteria and acceptance rates for peer-reviewed medical journals and congresses to determine the most appropriate journal or congress for your research.
Scimago Journal and Country rank
Developed by Elsevier with the data available in Scopus, Scimago includes journal- and country-specific indicators. It ranks journals by discipline, assigning impact quartiles (Q1-Q4) for each discipline.
Sherpa Romeo
The Sherpa Romeo deposit policy register provides summaries of journals' open access archiving policies. These will determine when how and when authors can openly share different versions of their publications (unless a rights retention statement was used upon submission).
UlrichsWeb: global serials directory
UlrichsWeb provides detailed information on more than 300,000 periodicals of all types: academic and scholarly journals, e-journals, peer-reviewed titles, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters, and more.
Journal selectors are publisher-developed tools that can be used to suggest suitable journals. You can even use these to practice and improve you abstract writing and keyword creation prior to submitting your article manuscript. Remember to use other evaluation tools to complement the publisher-specific tools below so you don't limit yourself to one publisher.
Elsevier Journal Finder
Elsevier® Journal Finder helps you find journals that could be best suited for publishing your scientific article.
Springer Journal Suggester
Search all Springer and BioMed Central journals to find the most suitable journal for your manuscript.
Taylor & Francis Journal Suggester
Copy and paste your abstract or article keywords into this Taylor & Francis tool and it will suggest some suitable journals.
Wiley Journal Finder
Enter the title and abstract of your paper to find matching Wiley journals.
Endnote Manuscript Matcher
Manuscript Matcher (Match) is built into Endnote Online. It is a Clarivate Analytics addon to Endnote. You will need to have a Web of Science account. The feature can also be accessed via Endnote desktop or from within MS Word via the Endnote menu. Matcher works best when your title has at least 10 words and your abstract has at least 100 words.
Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
DOAB aims to increase the discoverability of open access books. Although it includes both fully open access book publishers and hybrid book publishers, and those that levy author-facing fees and those that do not, it can be a helpful way to get ideas on where to publish an open access book.
How to publish a book (.PDF)
The University of Queensland Library developed this helpful step-by-step guide to book publishing.
PubsHub: Journals and Congresses
The PubsHub database contains information on over 4,000 STEMM congresses (conferences). Users can evaluate, compare and analyse congresses by discipline.
UlrichsWeb: Global serials directory
UlrichsWeb provides detailed information on more than 6,000 conference proceedings serials. The directory can be filtered to show, for example, proceedings available online, open access proceedings, and those that are peer-reviewed.
Research communities or professional associations often promote events and conferences to members. Examples include: