Explore the variability of the Australian climate. Rainfall, Temperature, Wind, Humidity, Evaporation, Sunshine, radiation & cloud, Cyclones & thunderstorms.
Includes links to experimental data and results in the areas of model development, data assimilation, climate dynamics, weather forecasting, climate forecasting and ocean & marine forecasting.
These reports provide severe weather information that complements the Bureau's warnings and forecasts to help understand the current weather situation.
Australian solar PV market with live generation data, historical maps and animations, and tools to explore rooftop PV potential and per-postcode market.
These datasets are long term averages of solar radiation at the surface over the Australian land mass.
These data sets are derived from 1990 - 2012 of data
Seamap Australia brings together a range of data from infrastructure such as cabling and pipelines, seafloor habitats, mineral resources and fisheries.
Core information for managing Australia's water resources. The catchments, streams, aquifers, storages, wetlands and man-made structures that make up the hydrological system.